Thursday, September 23, 2010

life of a single pinoy bachelor: online trade using eBay

Eversince I discover online trade, I have been hooked intro buying things online. I tried buying 2nd hand gadgets, cell phones, even clothes. However, not only 2nd hand items are being sold on the internet also new ones. There are many online stores where different items are traded, but I recommend eBay.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

life of single pinoy bachelor: boys night out

One of the things that single men like me look forward to is the boys' night out. This is usually done during Friday nights. It can be done to nearby sari-sari store that is open until 10 pm and serves cold beer. Or to the home of anyone in the group, but we usually avoid this, unless there is an event happening at their house.

Monday, September 6, 2010

life of single yuppie pinoy bachelor: not ready for textmate?

I already have a textmate. I texted the number given by my co-worker, and it turned out, she is more excited than me. I tried to flirt, but it seemed very unlikely of me.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

life of a single pinoy bachelor: caught up with cough and colds

I am sick right now. I am blaming my workmate who came to report at our office two days ago. He was suffering from cough and sneezing uncontrollably.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

life of single pinoy bachelor: Textmate

What would you do if someone gives you a text mate? That is my dilemma when one of my co-workers gave me a text mate number. Actually, she was his cousin.